2 Harding Avenue
Lindenhurst New York 11757
Phone 631-867-3350 · Fax 631-867-3358
Grades: K-5
Students Enrolled: 295
Staff/Faculty Employed: 26
Principal: Brian Chamberlin
More About Our School
The goal of Harding Avenue Elementary School this year, and every year, is to provide our students with an environment that meets their intellectual, emotional, and social needs. This year, we are targeting increased academic achievement in the areas of literacy and mathematics.
The goal of Harding Avenue Elementary School this year, and every year, is to provide our students with an environment that meets their intellectual, emotional, and social needs. This year, we are targeting increased academic achievement in the areas of literacy and mathematics.
Our school offers students an interdisciplinary curriculum that builds essential skills in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students participate in specialized instruction on a weekly basis in such subjects as physical education, library and media, art, general music, and computer technology. Third through fifth grade students also have the opportunity to participate in a districtwide gifted program.
Our support staff offers students assistance in reading, mathematics, speech, resource room, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling. Extra-curricular activities for students include participation in band, orchestra, and chorus. We also offer students a wide range of before- and after-school activities, including student council, intramurals, and chamber singers.
At Harding Avenue, our PTA provides tremendous support to our educational program and our students, by providing such programs as Arts-in-Education, Parents As Reading Partners, book fairs, seasonal celebrations and others. We have received various teacher, student and school awards.
Every year, the Harding Avenue Elementary School continues to strive in creating a community where all its members learn to respect each other.
Boundaries: South of W. and E. Montauk Hwy. from the East Side of S. Broadway to W. Lake Drive.